On the Subject of Myosotis

Never forget.

To solve this module, collect enough flowers to reach a non-specific limit. Flowers collected late in a bomb will count for more than flowers collected early.

Every once in a while, the flower will grow randomly, but only when you haven't been working on it for a while. These wild flowers may be tricky to work with.

Selecting a branch will prune it from the flower, and zero, one, two, or three more will grow to replace it. These new branches will each split exactly once, resulting in a Y figure.

Pruning the entire flower (by selecting its base) will add it to your collection. A good flower has the following traits:

  • It highly resembles a ternary tree, i.e. at each branch it splits into three.
  • Its ends are all about as far away from the base as each other.
  • It is not too small.

Better flowers will count for more than worse ones.